Jumat, 28 November 2014

Educational Material for Cross-cultural Understanding

Educational Material for Cross-cultural Understanding
The main goal of this project is to provide basic cultural information to elementary school students,
between the ages of 6 – 12, which will be used by all ex-participants in any volunteer activity developed by
SWYAA around the world. In order to achieve this goal, each SWYAA is invited to provide information of
their country. In this first step, written and visual information (for this time only pictures are allowed), will
be collected. After that, we will design a country fiche with the information and pictures provided by each
SWYAA. Finally, all the information will be integrated in a program, recorded in a DVD and posted in the
SWYAA's web site. We are sure that all of you will select the best of your country and your spirit in order to
show them around the world. As a mandatory requirement, you are committed to work with all your energy
and heart.
Information to be collected by each SWYAA:
1. Greeting: please provide a common word used in your country to say “hello”
2. Food: describe briefly which is the most representative food in your country. (No more than 50 words)
3. National costume: give general information on your national costume (i.e. when is used, if there are male
or female version, etc). (No more than 60 words)
4. Landmark: provide information on a place which could represent an international icon of your country (i.e.
water falls; volcanoes; mountains; forest; beaches; rivers; etc). (No more than 60 words)
5. Games and Toys: select a common game played by children in your country. (No more than 60 words)
In order to complement the written information, please provide pictures related with items numbered from
2 to 5. Additionally, please provide one picture containing children from your country. For technical reasons,
we recommend pictures do not exceed 300 KB.
Deadline is the end of September 2010 (punctuality will be welcomed). A first draft will be send by the
end of October, 2010 in order to check all the information collected and make the corresponding correction.
We expect to have a final version by January 2011. The project’s launch has been programmed on January
18th, 2011, to celebrate SWY day.
Thanks for your cooperation!!!!

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